Szkło Studio, created by Aleksandra and her brother Wojciech Zawistowski in 2022, embodies an alliance of imaginative exploration, years of expertise in crafts and a deep admiration for raw materials. He calls into question the traditional methods of blowing glass, transforming them into playful experiences. By avoiding the use of conventional molds, resulting sculptures adopt accidental and spontaneous forms, often redefining the very concept of beauty. Thus, the glass blowing process becomes as crucial as the final shape.
The creation process at Szkło begins with conceptual sketches, which determine the function of each room. Once the production is started, it is guided by an organic approach. Designs take shape from personalized molds made in workshops from available materials, such as stacked bricks, pieces of wood or stones. The residues of these natural materials are often captured between the glass layers, visible in the finished sculptures. After their training, the sculptures cool for two days before being transferred to the cold workshop, where they undergo sanding and polishing. The goal is to highlight the intrinsic properties of the material, such as its transparency, its brilliance and its refraction of light.