Jules lobegeois
Jules Lobgeosis is a French designer, from Normandy, in Eure. He graduated from the National School of Applied Arts (ENSAAMA) Olivier de Serres in Paris and DSAA Laab de Rennes. After his studies in industrial design, he turned to sculpture applied to the object. He acquired his know-how with a metallier and then of the cabinetmaker Kaspar Hamacher, thus developing a passion for these two materials.
His work focuses on the fusion between wood, with its organic dimension, and metal, with its rigidity, in a poetic approach. He meticulously chooses the wood, often from fallen trees, which it stores until it is ready to be worked. His sculpture method is spontaneous, the forms bringing life in contact with wood in a constant dialogue between matter and its tools.
He pays particular attention to the details, the veins and the structure of each piece of wood. Its sculptures are designed as volumes capturing and refracting light, thus revealing their tense lines and their futuristic curves thanks to a sliced light game.